5 Reasons for taking a Lie Detector Test

5 Reasons for taking a Lie Detector Test

The polygraph became better known to the public as a result of reality TV shows such as Love Island and the Jeremy Kyle Show. However, it has been in use since 1921 and is used for a variety of purposes. The reasons for taking a lie detector test are diverse and...
Case Study | Lie Detector Test in Swords exposes Love Rat

Case Study | Lie Detector Test in Swords exposes Love Rat

1 in 5 people these days meet online, with 71 percent believing in love at first sight. The majority of users on popular dating apps and sites are men. When Janice met and fell immediately in love with Ryan, she never thought it would end with a lie detector test in...
The Many Uses of Polygraph Testing

The Many Uses of Polygraph Testing

Polygraph testing is used to determine if a person is truthful or not, based on the circumstances surrounding their particular case. Lie detection tests are costly because they are carried out by professional examiners trained in discerning the truth from polygraph...
Why an Infidelity Lie Detector Test can help you Find the Truth

Why an Infidelity Lie Detector Test can help you Find the Truth

If you are worried about cheating or dishonesty in a relationship, an Infidelity Lie Detector Test can provide a much-needed way to put an end to lies once and for all. It’s a well-known fact that everyone lies, in one way or another. However, when lies leave...
How to Debunk Lies and Fallacies on Social Media

How to Debunk Lies and Fallacies on Social Media

Before we had internet access “old wives tales” were a rife.  Now we have lies and fallacies on social media. Old wives tales included not going out with wet hair or you’ll catch a cold, eating carrots improves your vision and masturbation causes blindness.  It is...
Extramarital Emotional Affairs and the use of Polygraph Tests

Extramarital Emotional Affairs and the use of Polygraph Tests

Potentially more damaging than illicit sexual encounters, extramarital emotional affairs for those conducting them are often not perceived as infidelity. After all there’s no sex, right? Infidelity doesn’t have to be sexual but polygraph tests can help irrespective of...

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