Professional Lie Detector Services in Cork
Providing an alternative solution
#1 Private & Confidential Lie Detector Test Provider
Secure Online Booking
Use our secure online booking system to request your preferred date, time and location for a lie detector test.
Infidelity / Relationship Issues
Suitable for matters involving intimate partners with trust issues
Theft / Allegations
Suitable for matters involving private theft or damaging allegations where criminal prosecution is not intended.
Paternity Testing
An alternative to DNA testing where the matter is private and based on an incident or event having taken place.
Business Matters
From employment screening for recrutiment to white collar crime, we are able to assist
Same Day / Next Day Local Lie Detector Testing in Cork
We are able to provide lie detector tests through and around Cork and in addition to conducting them at our controlled office locations, we can also provide them at private residential locations where conditions are suitable. We do not charge extra for coming to private residential addresses if they are within the local areas.
Discreet Controlled Office or Residential Tests Available in and around Cork
Discreet Controlled Offices in Cork
Regus - Cork City Gate
Regus - Cork, Cube Building
National Head Office
Harcourt Centre Harcourt Road Saint Kevin’s Dublin County Dublin
We are open 8am – 9pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 8pm Saturday to Sunday.
Polygraph Examinations (Lie Detector Tests) are becoming increasingly important resolving often complexed and private matters in an affective and discreet way. We take pride in delivering the highest level of professional service to our many clients in and around Cork. Please feel fre to contact us for a free consultaton or to find out more.
Discreet and Private Service in Cork
As a client focused lie detector service provider, we take great care in safeguarding our clients so that their matters remain private between the peopel invovled.
Controlled Office Locations
Confidentiality is at the forefront of our approach. We only disclose our location once the booking has been confirmed as to respect the privacy of our clients.
Arrange a free consultation
Our experienced and confidential client support team are on hand to assist with any queries about the nature of lie detector testing and are trained to discuss matters in detail and handle those who are in distress to make sure their matter gets the attention and empathy neccessary in building an understanding.
We are strictly confidential so please provide as much relevant information as possible and we will do our best to assist you.
Case Study | Cork Infidelity Lie Detector Test Reveals Dark Secret
Our client ordered a Cork infidelity lie detector test for her husband when she found something disturbing in his jacket pocket.
Case Study – Cork Lie Detector Test Service reveals Unexpected Lie
Our client knew there was something wrong with her partner. Her friends and family said he might be cheating on her. She contacted our Cork Lie Detector Test Service and was both surprised and relieved by the result.
5 Reasons for taking a Lie Detector Test
The polygraph has been in use since 1921 and is used for a variety of purposes. The reasons for taking a lie detector test are diverse and many. Here are our top 5.
Cork Polygraph Examiner advises on Builder Problem
When a builder doesn't keep to a promised schedule it's unlikely he'll take a lie detector test to confirm the truth of what he has said, as our Cork Polygraph Examiner explains.
How a Lie Detector Test in Cork helped with an alleged False Accusation
It was meant to scare her and it did at first. Then she had been emboldened. What did she have to hide? After all she had been through; one lie detector test in Cork wasn’t going to worry her.
Case Study | Infidelity Lie Detector Test in Cork exposes Cheating Wife
Our client knew his wife was lying but the results from an Infidelity lie detector test in Cork revealed far more than he expected.
Case Study | Cork Lie Detector Tests reveal False Child Sex Abuse Allegations
When a husband and brother were accused of child sex abuse spanning years it led to our client booking two Cork lie detector tests.
The Many Uses of Polygraph Testing
Polygraph testing is used to determine if a person is truthful or not, based on the circumstances surrounding their particular case. Lie detection tests are costly because they are carried out by professional examiners trained in discerning the truth from polygraph...
Why an Infidelity Lie Detector Test can help you Find the Truth
If you are worried about cheating or dishonesty in a relationship, an Infidelity Lie Detector Test can provide a much-needed way to put an end to lies once and for all. It's a well-known fact that everyone lies, in one way or another. However, when lies leave...
How to Debunk Lies and Fallacies on Social Media
Before we had internet access “old wives tales” were a rife. Now we have lies and fallacies on social media. Old wives tales included not going out with wet hair or you’ll catch a cold, eating carrots improves your vision and masturbation causes blindness. It is...
Case Study – Cork Lie Detector Test Repairs Broken Relationship
She had told him to prove it. The Cork lie detector test seemed like the best way to show Lucy that he was telling the truth. He knew what he wanted now; it was time for a fresh start.
Extramarital Emotional Affairs and the use of Polygraph Tests
Potentially more damaging than illicit sexual encounters, extramarital emotional affairs for those conducting them are often not perceived as infidelity. After all there’s no sex, right?
What is a lie detector test?
A lie detection test is a test conducted to determine the honesty and loyalty of a person. The result it provides depends on various factors such as variations in heart beat, pulse rate, breathing patterns, blood pressure etc. It is useful in many cases such as to...