When our client was falsely accused of domestic violence, greatly harming his chances of access to his children, he decided a County Galway lie detector test was his only way forward.

Craig’s case

Craig had been trying to get access to his children for some time. His relationship with Kelly had ended somewhat abruptly. Craig had been certain she was having an affair and even asked her to do a polygraph test to prove she wasn’t. Kelly said she was insulted by the prospect and how could he accuse her of such a thing?

Back to basics

Craig was convinced she was cheating and so one day decided to follow her. He was right – she was meeting a guy from work and this must have been going on for months. All this time Craig had been looking after the two young children, both under 5 while she went off doing who knows what. It was clear to Craig that Kelly didn’t want to do the polygraph examination because she would have failed, miserably. She didn’t love him and obviously had no regard for their 15 year relationship so he ended it.

Over the next few months the access to the children dwindled. She was too busy or always doing something else with them. Craig didn’t even look after them anymore when she was at work. Something had to be done so he contacted a solicitor who organised mediation and court proceedings. After waiting for a few weeks for things to be arranged, Craig’s solicitor contacted him. Kelly had claimed he was violent towards her and this was the reason she’d left. Craig was astounded at the thought that she would stoop so low and lie to stop him seeing his own children. He hoped mediation would unearth her lies and if not, he was going to book a polygraph test.

County Galway lie detector test

Mediation day came and went and since the mediation didn’t take place with them all together in the same room, he knew she was still telling the same lies. Telling everyone that his children weren’t safe around him broke Craig’s heart and he had to prove his innocence, not just for the kids but for his own reputation.

Craig got in touch with Lie Detector Test IE and we talked him through the process. He wanted his ex to take our County Galway lie detector test but ended up booking the test for himself. Our polygraph examiner explained to him that if he took the test it wasn’t necessary for Kelly to take one.  If the test showed him to be honest about the alleged violence (or lack of it) it would prove Kelly was lying.  Nevertheless Craig spoke to the mediator and his solicitor, and a test was organised for Kelly to take on the same day. Surprisingly, Kelly agreed and Craig was confident that as everyone else believed her lies, she probably thought she could hoodwink the examiner.

The truth was finally out

The court case began and during the proceedings Craig’s solicitor mentioned that both parties had taken a polygraph test. Kelly was lying and Craig told the truth.  There was no domestic violence and there never had been. The County Galway lie detector test results were allowed at the judge’s discretion backed up by other evidence including character witnesses who were long term friends and associates of the couple. Craig now sees his children every other weekend. Although he would prefer more contact, at least this result means he has regular visits with them.

Is your reputation on the line?

Craig chose to restore his reputation with our County Galway lie detector test service because that’s where he lived. However, our service is available throughout Northern Ireland and the Republic.

Is someone stopping you seeing your children and lying through malice? If you’d like to discuss or order a Polygraph Examination for any reason, please call our confidential and free helpline on 0800 368 8277. Alternatively, a reservation can be made online using our secure booking system.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.