Tracey had been the perfect candidate. With her knowledge of various computer programs and speaking three languages she was exactly what John was looking for. She was 40 which was insignificant to John as her experience would be ideal in the position of his personal assistant. He had no idea how significant her age would become or that a Galway lie detector test would figure quite early on in her employment.

John’s case

John’s business was a thriving international haulage company. He had many overseas clients, many of whom used different computer systems to invoice. In order to stay ahead of the competition, John had bought pretty much all of them. This enabled the company to slot into his clients businesses easily and efficiently. The programs had been expensive but he knew this would give him the edge over his competitors.

The perfect Applicant

Tracey had come for her interview with certificates for nearly all of these invoicing systems and 12 GCSEs. The grades from school where impressive enough, let alone the certificates. John hadn’t heard of the companies that had provided the courses and the qualifications but it was all there. He hired her at her interview pending references, of course.

Tracey was confident and professional. She seemed to know the business well and although she had never been a personal assistant before she had worked on the reception at a well-known firm prior to coming for this interview. Unfortunately, the company had recently gone into liquidation and he couldn’t check the particular reference he wanted to. The others were more part-time positions all of which provided Tracey with glowing references. John did think it odd that these were all bars and clubs but the reference was all he needed. Her qualifications were fantastic so he gave her a job without question.

Cracks starting to show

Tracey seemed to get on with the job well for the first few weeks.  However, more and more she came into John’s office asking questions she should easily have known the answers to. Around the office, he heard rumours that she was asking for help with the simplest of tasks, such as invoicing on the systems she had qualifications in. John confronted her with this and she explained that as she passed these exams more than 20 years ago, things were a little rusty.

John became more and more suspicious and decided to contact the school she claimed to have achieved the outstanding exam results from. The school confirmed that as Tracey had attended the school 25 years ago her results were no longer in the system. He Googled the firms that had given her the qualifications and they were either no longer in business or didn’t keep records for that long.

John decided that too much didn’t add up and decided to ask her to take a Galway lie detector test. He’d cautiously included periodic lie detector tests into his contracts of employment due to constant theft from the business. His company supplied most of the electrical stores in the UK and with so much high-value stock being shipped in and out he thought periodic polygraph testing was a good idea. Tracey couldn’t be what she claimed and he needed to find out before it affected his business too much.

Galway lie detector test

John chose the Galway lie detector test because the office where it was conducted was closer to where Tracey lived. He tailored the questions around her CV and found that most, nearly all had been engineered to get her the job. Tracey confirmed she thought she could learn while working and he never would have found out. She’d been so delighted to get the job she failed to notice that polygraph tests could be given at any time if the management thought it necessary. She hadn’t finished school due to personal reasons and just wanted to get a foot in the door. She also knew that any qualifications couldn’t be traced due to their age.

John thought long and hard about what to do when Tracey offered her resignation but decided to demote her to secretary. Her heart was in the right place after all and the Galway lie detector test had also proven she had no intention to commit theft or damage the company in any way. To date, Tracey is doing exceptionally well, observing and learning from all around her. If John hadn’t ordered the test then she may have just been dismissed due to incompetence. The Galway lie detector helped both Tracey and John overcome her dishonesty to the benefit of his business.

John now uses polygraph tests in his pre-employment screening process. Most smart business owners do.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.