Had it happened again? This was the last straw. It was time to book that Galway polygraph test for sexual contact. Lisa had seen the signs, now she needed to know the truth. If her instincts were right, this was the end.
Lisa’s case
She had been here before but this time would be the last time – if what she thought was right. That was why she knew the Galway polygraph test was the next step. Lisa had told Tim last time that this was the final occasion that she would go through the humiliation and shame.
They had been together for twenty years, but she no more. If Tim had indeed had the cheated, as she suspected, then they were over. She would throw it all away and leave with her dignity intact.
There had been the unexplained late returns from work, phone calls taken outside of the room and that feeling in her gut.
Booking the Galway polygraph test
It had felt good to book the test. She felt powerful and in control of her life at last. If the test results came back positive, she would leave with her head held high. She had tried her best all these years but she was not going to let Tim walk all over her any more.
When she met the examiner Lisa was glad he was an experienced specialist in sexual contact lie detector tests. That really put her mind at ease. Having input in some of the questions that would be asked was even better. She put in all the things that she had been too scared to say to Tim’s face over the years.
Tim tried to make a fuss about having to take the test, but Lisa stood her ground. She was glad she only had to wait a day for the results. She’d finally get the details of exactly what Tim had been doing all these years.
Devastating results
When the results of the sexual contact test arrived, Lisa was at first devastated. Tim had indeed had sexual contact, even more than she realised. However, that feeling quickly passed as she realised she could now free herself from this destructive cycle and move on to something better. She had prepared herself for this. It was going to take courage, but she was ready to walk away. She had to.
Lisa did walk away. She packed all of her belongings and moved out within days. The Galway polygraph test results were the final push she needed. Today Lisa is in a new relationship with someone who loves and trusts her back.
Are you ready to make a bid for freedom?
If you too are ready for change, find out how a lie detector test could help you. Contact our team online or call us today on: 0800 368 8277. Lisa chose the Galway polygraph test service because it was nearest to her home. Our highly qualified professional examiners conduct tests nationwide and for many diverse types of situations. Infidelity, theft within the family, historical sexual abuse, fraud and false accusations are just some of the matters we deal with every week.