Bullying at school has been around for as long as schools have existed but luckily, in recent years, attitudes have changed. It used to be the common response of parents to tell bullied children “sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you”. Anyone who lived through that era will know that ‘names’ can cause psychological damage.  Our client was determined to end her daughter’s misery with lie detector tests in Athlone.

Shona’s case

Shona’s daughter, Marie, was a bright girl and was getting ready for her GCSEs.  She’s always loved school but in recent months Shona had noticed that she wasn’t very enthusiastic about going.  At 16 she was a teenager going through the normal hormonal changes and for a while Shona put it down to this.  However, as time went by she began to think there was something more serious happening.

There is fine line between invading someone’s privacy and needing to know the truth.  Shona had never gone through her daughter’s things, never read her diary or looked at her social media accounts and messages.  One day Marie inadvertently left her phone on the coffee table when she went out to run an errand for her mother.

It didn’t take Shona long to figure out her Facebook password and when in the account was horrified by the messages she saw.  There were endless references to Marie’s absent father who had left when she was 10 years old.  They came from one girl, Clarissa, who said it was Marie’s fault that her father had left. The messages were full of expletives and insults.

Mothers get together

Shona and Clarissa’s mother, Irene, were friends.  Shona called Irene and told her what she had found.  According to Clarissa someone had hacked her account and in any event, Marie had said nasty things to her which is why they weren’t friends any more.

Marie denied ever saying anything nasty to Clarissa so the two mothers decided it was time to learn the truth.

They booked the two 16 year olds for lie detector tests in Athlone and our polygraph examiner conducted them.

The results showed that Clarissa was lying.  She had launched a campaign of nastiness toward Marie because her boyfriend, she thought, liked Marie better than her.

The mothers then sat down with the daughters to go over the results.  Marie wasn’t vaguely interested in Clarissa’s boyfriend and agreed to resume their friendship.  Clarissa was warned that if she sent any more messages to anyone of an insulting nature, her Facebook account would be closed.

Marie’s father had left because he’d found somebody else but he kept in touch with Marie all the time.  Shona reassured her that it had nothing to do with her and that her father still loved her very much.

Lie detector tests in Athlone

Kids can be so hurtful to each other and we are glad that Clarissa and Marie have made peace. If you have difficult teenagers who may be the victims of bullying or they are bullying someone else, polygraph tests may be able to resolve the problems.

Our lie detector tests in Athlone are conducted by polygraph examiners who are highly trained in a number of sensitive issues.  To learn more about how polygraph services can help you establish the truth call our free helpline on 85 176 3360.  If Athlone is not a convenient test area for you, there is a choice of locations you can access using our secure booking system.

Note: For teenagers to take lie detector tests in Athlone or anywhere else for that matter they must be 16 years old or above and a consent form must be signed by a parent or guardian. They must also be fully cognitive. These criteria must be met for them to be eligible to take the tests

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