Sometimes you need to prove your innocence to the people who should trust you. Harry never thought he’d need to organise lie detector tests in Dublin to prove his construction team hadn’t been stealing.

Going for the big one

Harry worked as a project manager for a small construction company. They’d been hired to help build a dream home in the country. The owner was the CEO of a large lawyers’ firm and he was spending a huge amount of money. All the members of the team had to be individually interviewed for the job and were so happy when they’d been accepted. They’d had to draw up plans and give a presentation but all their hard work paid off. This project could put their small enterprise on the map. Harry knew that when the project was finished and added to their website it could generate business and from the bigger spenders.

Harry had briefed the team and told them to work hard and be on their best behaviour. They had a limited amount of time to complete the job and there were to be no hiccups, sickness or messing around.

Missing building materials

The job started and everyone seemed to be doing well. The owner appeared happy with the progress but did question Harry about how quickly they were going through the materials. He mentioned there had been a pallet load of bricks delivered a week prior and looking at the progress on the property, there should be at least half left. Looking at the pallet there had to be at least 25 percent of them missing

Harry asked the team and no one had noticed the missing bricks. If they were running low they’d have told him so they must have gone missing overnight. The team also confirmed they’d seen the correct amount of bricks the day before. Harry spoke to the owner who advised the bricks were expensive and shipped in from abroad. He’d ordered more but this would put the project on hold for a few weeks. Harry couldn’t help but think this was a brush off and a way of letting him and his team go.

Damage to reputation

Harry decided to contact us about lie detector tests in Dublin for all of his team. We provided a good discount for ordering 4 tests and managed to get all 4 completed at the same time. Harry knew he needed to prove his team had nothing to do with the theft. He’d worked with the guys for years and they all knew how important this build was. Harry couldn’t afford to damage the excellent reputation of the firm, which is why he knew this was the only way.

Results of lie detector tests in Dublin

The results of the polygraph tests showed none of the team had stolen the bricks. Harry took the reports to the customer who apologised and confirmed things had been going missing from the site after they’d left. He’d installed CCTV and found it was the neighbour. Harry’s team finished the house and it looked spectacular. They have since managed to secure some other prestigious projects in the area. The lie detector tests in Dublin saved the company’s reputation and also provided some job security for his lads for the future.

Is your reputation or job on the line? If you’d like to discuss or order a polygraph test in Ireland for any reason, please call our free helpline on 0800 368 8277. You can rely on our discretion in dealing with any sensitive matter.

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