Sarah had to know. Without knowing she couldn’t move forward. The Newry lie detector test specifically for relationship problems would be it. The last straw.

Sarah’s story:

Sarah’s world collapsed when she found out Tony had been lying to her for so long. That was when first thoughts of a polygraph test came to mind. She just couldn’t trust him anymore.

Ten years. Ten years of lying. They had been married for twenty five years and Tony had been cheating for over half of it. She was broken. Tony wanted her back – he said. Sarah didn’t know what to think.

After talking things through with her friends, she knew she didn’t want to throw away twenty five years, most of which had been good. Tony was remorseful. He said he had learnt his lesson and that it would never happen again.

But how would she ever trust him again?

It was her friend who suggested she stop thinking about the the Newry lie detector test and book it. If Sarah could be sure that she had heard the full truth about all that had happened, maybe they could start afresh?

It was worth a try. So Sarah booked the test online and got her friend to help her with her contribution to the questions Tony would be asked on the day. She wanted to be sure that everything was covered. There wouldn’t be another opportunity like this again.

Newry lie detector test and results

Tony didn’t want to lose Sarah so he agreed to the polygraph examination.  The examiner’s office wasn’t far away from where he worked so he took a long lunch break

When he went to take the test, Sarah was surprised to feel light and free. The decision was out of her hands now. If more deceit was uncovered, this would be it, the end.

She’d decided to move in with a friend for a few days, so that she could have time to look over the results and consider her options. When the results arrived a day later, Sarah was relieved to see that things were pretty much as Tony had said.

Sarah was surprised that it didn’t take too long for her to make up her mind after that.

That was six months ago. Today Sarah and Tony have made a fresh start with their marriage and are planning to renew their vows in August. Tony has also agreed to take a periodic Newry lie detector test when required so that they can maintain the trust in their relationship.

Need help repairing your relationship?

If you would like to learn more about how a lie detector test could help you contact our team online or call us today on 0800 368 8277. Our specialist polygraph examiners conduct many different types of lie detector tests to suit any situation. Get in touch today and let us help you repair your relationship.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.