Jermaine didn’t want to do it. He did it for Sharon, because she asked. Take a Partner Sex Offender lie detector test? No, that was definitely not on his radar. He hadn’t even known what it was. When he looked into exactly what the test entailed it changed his mind, and his relationship.

This is what happened:

Jermaine didn’t have any children but Sharon had two. One was only two years old, the other three. Sharon was strong, but life had been tough on her. Jermaine had brought so much joy into their lives, but Sharon was nervous about commitment, about a serious relationship.

Jermaine, the total opposite, always managed to move her thinking on except on one point – commitment. The lie detector test would help, she said.

Jermaine had no idea what she was talking about. He was back on the subject of them moving in together, making a commitment to each other. Sharon was nervous. She’d had a difficult upbringing. Left to face situations alone, she was still raw.

He knew that trusting men was difficult for her but he also knew himself. He was clear that he would not hurt her.

It was her children too, Sharon said when he broached the subject again one last time. She was anxious it seemed to keep them protected, safe from the things that she had endured as a child.

The storm before the calm!

He was completely floored when she mentioned the partner sex offender lie detector test. It actually sparked a huge row, which was not something that they usually did.

But he could hear in her voice that she was not being malicious, she was being completely genuine. Sharon really felt that this test could help to allay her concerns about her girls’ safety, if they moved in together.

He took a few days away from Sharon to cool off. On the second day, he started looking into what a Partner Sex Offender test was. As he learned about the polygraph test he began to see that it was not about him, but about the girls.

It actually made him fall deeper in love with Sharon as he learned more. He began to understand that with the girls being so young, Sharon’s fears were completely normal and she was in fact correct, they were vulnerable.

Booking the Partner Sex Offender Lie Detector Test

Carried out by a specially trained examiner, the lie detector test seemed pretty straightforward. He wondered what questions Sharon would put into the test. However, he knew that he had nothing to worry about. So he decided to do it. He wanted to move in with Sharon, and he got why she wanted the test now. It also showed him that she was serious about the relationship, long-term too.

He let Sharon book the test and he left it at that. He knew that she would be writing the majority of the questions and that the results would go to her. There was nothing for him to worry about and he understood why she wanted the test. So he left her to it.

On the day he did feel nervous, just because it was a test situation and tests always made him feel nervy. The examiner though really put him at ease.

He knew that Sharon might have the results, all of them, that day or the next, so he gave her some space. He had to admit, it was the biggest relief when she phoned him.

It didn’t take too long after that for Sharon and Jermaine to find a place and move in together. Sharon was a different person; softer, chilled, more trusting. It was wonderful to see how she had moved on.

Tests for every situation and circumstance

Release your anxiety and find out how a lie detector test could help you today.

Created for specific situations, there are many different types of polygraph tests. From the partner sex offender lie detector test to addiction, infidelity and false accusation polygraph examinations, every test is delivered by an experienced examiner.

Find out how a lie detector test could help you today, contact us online or call us on: 0800 368 8277.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.