Q: Could your Polygraph Examiner in Limerick verify who is stealing my building materials?

I have a small building company in Limerick and not many staff.  I employ my brother-in-law, Terry, as the site manager.  Building materials that we store for jobs we are doing keep going missing. I don’t think that Terry is stealing them but I think he may know who is.

We haven’t had any break ins and it is only when we need something that we find out either we are short of materials or there are none at all for particular jobs.  You will appreciate that it completely ruins our projected profit for work.  This is clearly an inside job but it is awkward for me to accuse Terry because he is family.

The reason I think it is him is because only he and I have keys to the site.  I know I’m not stealing them so it has to be him.  The only doubt I have is that in the past others have had keys and I can’t be certain all keys have been returned when people have left.

Other things that make be believe Terry is responsible are that he seems to have more money lately and when the missing materials are mentioned he protests far too much.  He accuses our admin people of under ordering or making mistakes with stocktaking.

I know if I accuse him outright my sister will go mad.  How can I get him to take a lie detector test without burning bridges with my sister?

A.S., Limerick

Response from our Polygraph Examiner in Limerick

It’s always difficult when you employ family members and matters like this crop up.

There are two main things you can do.  You can send out a memo to all staff telling them that you are instituting random, periodic polygraph tests as a security measure.  It can be a simple memo that each staff member needs to sign giving their consent.  You don’t have to mention a date when these tests will take place. When the memos come back signed you can then arrange the tests.

Alternatively you can tell your brother-in-law that you intend that every member of staff takes a lie detector test because the missing materials are eating into your profits.  As a sign of goodwill you have decided that the senior staff will take them first.  Then arrange a date for the first test which should be for your brother-in-law.  Naturally if he fails the test you won’t need me to conduct any more.

As a polygraph examiner in Limerick, I can tell you that many employers use our periodic lie detector tests to ensure their workers remain loyal and honest.  It is a good way of protecting your interests and property.

More information can be obtained from our customer service staff on 85 176 3360. Mention that you have had your question answered by the polygraph examiner in Limerick. You can be assured that we will treat your case with the utmost confidentiality.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.