Q: Can a polygraph test in Galway help my sister?
I’m writing for some advice regarding my sister. She’s in a relationship with a man our family don’t particularly like. They married last year. Bob, her husband has alienated her from her friends and family. Becky is unable to come to our parents for Sunday dinner, a tradition we’ve had for many years. He will cause an argument in the morning and she’ll be so worked up that she calls and cancels at the last minute. We don’t see her for weeks after this and I’m worried there is something more going on than she’s letting on.
Becky has started to wear clothes that do nothing for her figure. They’re dowdy and old. She doesn’t say Bob has made her wear them but she was always so well dressed and really looked after herself. Since her marriage she seems to be being controlled. For instance, we went out as couples with my husband and I and he actually ordered her meal for her. He said she was putting on weight and needed to watch her figure, and then ordered her a salad. He later commented that he never found fat women particularly attractive and if Becky got that way, he’d leave her. I’d love for that to happen as I could have my bubbly lively sister back. I’m really concerned she’s a victim of domestic abuse. Can she take a polygraph test in Galway about this kind of issue?
R. L., Galway
Polygraph examiner’s response
A lie detector test for domestic abuse will certainly help identify whether or not your sister is a victim of it. You can book a polygraph test in Galway using our secure online booking system if you wish.
However, before you do why not sit down and have a ‘heart to heart’ conversation with your sister. Sometimes people who are victims of domestic abuse don’t realise they are victims. This is usually because they either have misguided feelings of guilt or consider that their partner’s behaviour is ‘normal’.
Becky may also be ashamed that she is allowing this to happen to her. Or she may be worried about what she will do if she ends the relationship both financially and emotionally.
Tell Becky about your concerns and if she denies that she is being domestically abused, ask her if she would be willing to take a polygraph test in Galway. It may be, as often happens, that she would prefer to open up to someone she doesn’t know. Our polygraph examiners are totally impartial and non-judgemental. As forensic psychologists, they will put Becky’s mind at rest in the pre-test interview.
Polygraph test in Galway
We have helped many victims move on with their lives. If you need help convincing her that the polygraph test in Galway is the first step to getting help, call us and we will give you some tips.
We wish you luck in sorting out what is clearly a worrying situation for you and your sister