It would have been easier if she hadn’t told him. But now he knew. Clare would have to take the sexual contact polygraph test in Limerick. There was no other option. He had to know the truth.

Charlie’s story

She had told him the week after they got engaged. The wedding was eleven months away. Charlie had no idea whether he would be able to go through with the wedding now. He would make a decision once he had the results back from the polygraph test in Limerick.

They had been together for five years. Two weeks ago Clare had revealed that she’d been having sexual contact with escorts for the last two of those years. It was the thrill she said. They would do whatever she wanted. Fifty Shades of Grey in full colour.

Charlie had been speechless and then came the rage. What was he supposed to do with that information? Why tell him now, one week after they had got engaged?

She still wanted to marry him. Or so she said. Charlie didn’t know what he wanted. Did he love her? Yes. Did they have a future? He didn’t know.

Arranging the polygraph test in Limerick

The test was the only way forward he could think of. Get it done and find out exactly what had been going on all these years. Get the examiner to ask what he wouldn’t be able to put into words.

Charlie knew that he would be able to have some input into the questions the examiner would ask Clare. If someone else, an expert in administering sexual contact lie detector tests, was asking the questions they’d find out what he needed to know. Charlie knew he couldn’t have those conversations with Clare – his feelings were too raw.

So he booked the test in Limerick. In two days he would finally have the answers he needed. How long, how bad, what next? He needed the truth.

When she realised it was the only solution Charlie had, Clare agreed to the test.

Devastating results

The results arrived. The examiner had covered everything and more that Charlie needed to know. Once he had looked through all of the detailed information from the test, he had the clear picture that he needed.

For Charlie, it was too much. Clare had gone too far. He couldn’t marry her and in fact for Charlie, the relationship was over.

Today, Charlie is in a new relationship with someone that he trusts. Free of regrets and doubts that would have plagued his decision if he hadn’t organised the polygraph test in Limerick.

Find out more about polygraph services

If you would like to find out more about how a lie detector test could help you. Contact our team online or call us today on: 0800 368 8277.  Charlie chose the polygraph test in Limerick because it was near to where he lived. However, our polygraph services are nationwide with accredited examiners who are highly trained to establish the truth of any situation.  Get in touch today and let us help you to transform your future.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.