Q: I think my husband is cheating on me. Can your lie detector test for Infidelity in Limerick help?
I’ve been married for 20 years and I’m a little worried as I think my husband may be having an affair. We married young, at 20 and we’ve always had a healthy sex life. I have put on a little weight after the birth of our two sons, Joshua and Gerard. I try to look my best but he just doesn’t seem interested in me anymore. I’d be the first to admit that I’ve let myself go over the years. Bringing up two sons is difficult and when we argue he says such horrible things about my weight and appearance.
I’ve always trusted him but he has a new secretary at work. She’s about 25, long blond hair and slim. I’m surprised she hasn’t gone into modelling if I’m honest, rather than work for a firm of solicitors. Jack, my husband is always working late and recently has been staying away “on business” sometimes during the week. His job is very demanding and I just don’t want to blurt it out in case I’m wrong. I don’t work and have been a full-time mother. In fact it was my money that kept us afloat when he was studying family law. Even if he is having an affair I am not sure my situation would improve if I left him. My sons are still under 10 and would be devastated if their dad wasn’t around. I feel trapped and don’t know what to do.
I’ve read a few of your articles about how lie detector tests can help relationships. Can you offer any advice? I’ve tried spicing things up a little but he’s always too tired from work.
G.R., Limerick
Response from Limerick polygraph examiner
I have conducted many lie detector tests for infidelity in Limerick so you can take some comfort in knowing you are not alone. I’d also like to point out that many of the test results have shown subjects to be innocent. In addition, of those who were found to be unfaithful, many of the relationships survived through couples counselling.
Only you can decide whether you can forgive infidelity or not. However, I have no doubt that the suspicion of it is tearing you apart. Mistrust eats away at you and causes tension within the relationship, especially when it is not discussed.
So, the first thing I would advise you to do is sit down with your husband and tell him how you feel. Ask him if he is having an affair because his behaviour points that way. Tell him why you think he is cheating.
Lie detector test for Infidelity in Limerick
If, after you discussion, you still don’t believe your husband ask him to take our lie detector test for Infidelity in Limerick. You can call us on our free helpline (85 176 3360) to discuss the best method of getting him to agree. Our polygraph services are nationwide so if your husband is away he can always drop into one of our other offices.
I should point out that emotional abuse such as saying “horrible things” about your weight and appearance could be considered an offence. The same applies to deliberately depriving you of access to money so that you don’t leave. Your husband, as a practising family law solicitor will be acutely aware. Domestic abuse laws have already changed in England and Wales. There is strong campaigning to apply those laws in Northern Ireland too.