The lie detector test for sexual offenders released on licence is in common use by police forces in many countries.  Polygraph examinations are conventionally not used as evidence but as tools for part of a wider investigation. This has resulted in many offenders being sent back to prison to serve the remainder of their sentences.

In a world where allegations of rape or sexual assault tend to arise on an almost weekly basis we have to wonder if polygraph examinations would significantly assist.

Cristiano Ronaldo v Kathryn Mayorga

For example, recently footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has been accused of sexual assault by Kathryn Mayorga, an incident that she alleges occurred in 2009. According to Mayorga she was assaulted by the Portuguese footlballer in a Las Vegas hotel room.

Documents that have been produced related to the matter have been described by Ronaldo’s legal representative, Peter Christiansen, as “completely fabricated”. The action brought by Mayorga is civil and not criminal.  In some civil cases lie detector test results, backed up with corroborative evidence, may be admissible at the discretion of the judge.

Ronaldo has denied the allegations but interestingly says that any relations between him and his accuser were consensual. This is in complete contrast to his dismissal of them when the news first broke in Der Spiegel, a popular German magazine.  At the time he said the article they wrote was “fake news”. His lawyer accused the magazine of being irresponsible, publishing the article, based on stolen digital documents which had been partially edited or totally made up.

The article stated that Mayorga reported the alleged assault to police not long after it took place. It went on to say that she had received £228,000 ($375,000) on the premise that the matter would be settled out of court and not be made public.

Ronaldo admits to the payment being made and entering into an agreement with Mayorga. However his motivation in doing so, his lawyer inferred, has been misconstrued.  Advised by lawyers, Ronaldo says he entered into the agreement having taken their advice.

Attempting to avoid a scandal can backfire

It isn’t unusual for celebrities and other public figures to enter into these types of agreements. There have been many who will pay rather than have a scandal, true or false, hit the headlines and damage their reputations.  As providers of the lie detector test for sexual offenders and a myriad of other tests, we know this to be true. Hence such agreements made between parties are not necessarily significant in terms of guilt or innocence. It is indeed quite astounding how much the rich and famous will pay in order to avoid a scandal.  It’s maybe a route to take if you have an unlimited supply of money but usually blackmailers keep coming back for more. This ultimately leads to cases ending up in court so one might draw a conclusion that it’s best not to engage in this form of ‘prevention strategy’.

We have no idea, who is and who is not telling the truth. But we do know that if he took a lie detector test and passed it would help subdue public outrage.

 Lie detector test for sexual offenders

Highly skilled and professional polygraph examiners can ask questions and analyse responses to determine if deception is present.  They are also able to create questions designed to elicit information without a subject knowing what the information is required for. Police forces can learn things from polygraph examinations that may completely alter the course of their investigations.

Do you think Ronaldo should take a lie detector test?

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.