Whilst the vast majority of doctors are professional and upstanding members of the community, occasionally some slip through the net of scrutiny. Perhaps it is time for the GMC (General Medical Council) to implement medical lie detector tests at the point of registration.

Sexual assaults by doctors

In January this year Midlands GP, Jaswant Rathore, was found guilty of 8 counts of sexual assault and a further 2 charges of penetration assault.  This conduct has been going on for over 2 years. It took from May 2015 until January 2018 for this 60 year old to be put behind bars for 12 years. Had medical lie detector tests been in use, this period of time would have been reduced as Rathore denied the charges.  Read about the full case here

In April 2018 Birmingham locum doctor, Rajeshkumar Mehta, was jailed for 15 months for sexually assaulting one of his patients.  More details of this case can be access by clicking here

In October 2018, Surrey GP Alan Tutin has been accused of 28 counts of indecent assault, one of which includes a charge of penetration. It is alleged these assaults took place over  17 year period with some victims being as young as 9 years old.  At 70 years old, this doctor is retired but an interesting aspect is that this is not the first time he has been accused of malpractice. He had been investigated previously by police when complaints were made by patients in 2001 and 2003.  Read the full story here

Doctors convicted of fraud

In June last year, Birmingham GP Alan Sandwell was sentenced to 2 years in prison, suspended for 2 years. He was convicted of fraudulently obtaining more than £150,000 from the National Health Service.  In addition the doctor was ordered to carry out 200 hours of community service unpaid. Sandwell appears to have allowed his enthusiasm for improving mental health services and training GPs to override his common sense.  More details on this case can be found by clicking here

In a case that took over 5 years to conclude, a doctor and solicitor were both given custodial sentences on charges of contempt of court.  The doctor, Asef Zafar, received 6 months suspended and his accomplice, solicitor Kamar Khan, 15 months in prison. The case evolved around fraudulent reports submitted to an insurance company in order to obtain personal injury compensation for a claimant.  Full story can be read here

The above are just a few of the cases where medical lie detectors would have helped in the investigation process.

Medical lie detector tests for victims

In many cases of sexual assault committed by doctors, patients feel confused. Did they imagine the inappropriate touching? If sexual penetration has occurred will they be believed if they report the matter?

This especially applies when the abuse is historical. The patient often thinks they won’t be believed because they didn’t report it when it happened.

Private medical lie detector tests are available and provide the start to the journey toward justice. If you would like more information on how polygraph services can help, do get in touch. You can be assured of the utmost confidentiality and a sympathetic ear.

A word of advice to patients is that you have the right to ask for a nurse to be present during an examination by a doctor.  If you feel uncomfortable for any reason you should exercise that right.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.