When the family of a sexually abused child suggested a lie detector test, a paedophile from Derbyshire attempted suicide. Unfortunately this is not the first time a polygraph test for sexual abuse has been requested in these circumstances.

Graham Hackett appeared before Derby Crown Court this week. The prosecution let the court know that Hackett, aged 63, overdosed on pills following his refusal to submit to a polygraph examination.

Sexual abuse allegations

Hackett was unsuccessful in his attempt to take his own life but medical staff who attended him saw fit to inform police of the sexual abuse allegations. This resulted in an analysis of data and activity on his tablet and laptop.  The Google searches conducted on the devices included:

  • How to cheat a lie detector test
  • Can lie detectors be used in court?

Judge Shaun Smith QC, in sentencing him to 17 years in prison said that Hackett had ruined the girl’s young life. The abuse had begun when she was less than 13 years old. The paedophile admitted to several charges including:

  • Possession of indecent images of children
  • Sexual assault
  • Enticing a child to engage in sexual activity

When the family confronted Hackett he denied any abuse had taken place which prompted the request that he take a polygraph test for sexual abuse.  The victim took a test and no deception was found.

The judge also ordered that Hackett be entered on the Sex Offender’s Register for the duration of his lifetime.

Polygraph examiners

The young girl who told her family what had happened to her was extremely courageous and her experience will hopefully inspire others to do the same.

Examiners who conduct a polygraph test for sexual abuse are specialists in their field.  They know how traumatised survivors of sexual abuse are and how anxious they are about being believed. Having established that the victim is telling the truth, the chances are that the abuser will confess.

Polygraph test for sexual abuse in Ireland

Much of our work in Ireland relates to historical sexual abuse. Sometimes it dates back decades.  Occasionally survivors have complained to the authorities and either not been believed or have been dismissed in some way.  More often, survivors have not reported the abuse to anyone.  In many cases this has been because the abuser is either a close family friend, a member of the family or someone in authority.  In the modern world these claims are taken very seriously.

Taking a polygraph test for sexual abuse is a first step on the journey to seeking justice. Whether your abuser takes one or not, you can prove you are telling the truth. If your abuser agrees to take a test it will prove he or she is not.  The results can help police in their investigation.

Contact us if you would like more information about our polygraph test for sexual abuse or any other type of lie detector test. Our examiners are discreet, will handle your matter with sensitivity and keep your details totally confidential.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.