There are many reasons people lie and you might think that lying to impress is fairly low on the list. But not so in Ireland according to recent research conducted by Jurys Inn Hotel chain. Just under half of Irish participants confessed to telling lies about where they spent their weekends or exaggerating what they got up to. So what do Irish people lie about and why?

Quite apart from the 45 percent who exaggerated their activities, 28 percent entirely fabricated them in order to impress their colleagues. Over half did so because they didn’t want to appear boring. Some (26 percent) said they lied ‘just for a laugh’.  And 10 percent lied about their activities because they were too embarrassed to say what they really did.

The reality

What Irish people actually do over the weekend may shed some light on why they lie about it. As you will see their normal activities aren’t particularly riveting:

  • 54 percent – watching TV
  • 33 percent – sleeping
  • 66 percent – spent their time looking at social media
  • 53 percent – cleaning

Very few participants (12 percent) took the opportunity to work out or indeed take any exercise. And 22 percent worked at home catching up on their duties.

In terms of the fabrications, these were the most common:
  • 10 percent – eating out at an expensive restaurant
  • 11 percent – working out
  • 15 percent – going out drinking
  • 10 percent – outdoor activity
  • 14 percent – spending time with friends

It’s no surprise that people who work hard may very well wish to spend their free time doing very little. However, going out, socialising with friends or maybe visiting somewhere new helps to maintain a good work/life balance.

The research shows us that what Irish people lie about would be categorised as ‘white lies’. These types of lies rarely do harm but can be embarrassing if you are found out.

What Irish people lie about to Lie Detector Test Ireland

The types of lies we encounter when conducting lie detector tests are usually serious ones. Harmful lies that hurt people, such as denying infidelity when they are having extra marital affairs are the most common.  Theft from family members, friends or employers also figures high on our list.

White lies told to impress or to save embarrassment are normal in any society. However, lying constantly can be a problem because one lie often leads to another.  Honesty is always the best policy.

If you would like to know more about lie detector tests contact us for an informal, confidential discussion.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.