When Matt’s friend couldn’t look him in the eye, he knew it was time to book the sexual contact lie detector test in Athlone. Matt had his suspicions for a while, that his wife Lisa had started an affair at the office Christmas party. His friend’s behaviour pretty much confirmed his gut feelings.

Matt’s story

Matt had found out about the sexual contact lie detector test in Athlone a while back. Things hadn’t been right between him and Lisa for months.

Lisa had given him excuse after excuse. It was obvious that she didn’t want him to come to her office Christmas party. In the end he gave up and stayed at home to look after the kids.

Lisa had been so distracted for months now. She hardly seemed to notice him these days. Then there was this new guy at her workplace, Liam, whose name seemed to crop up in too many conversations.

The day after Lisa’s Christmas works do, she had been up and out before he had even woken up. That was really unusual for her. Since then Lisa had been working late or out with her friends. Matt didn’t know what to do.

When he came across the lie detector test in Athlone, it seemed like a calm, non-confrontational solution. A test at least, would have an outcome one way or another. He didn’t want to end up in a situation where they went round in circles, throwing around accusations.


The final straw came when Matt bumped into Luke in the pub a few days later. Luke worked with Lisa. When Matt mentioned the Christmas party, then cracked a joke about Lisa and Liam, Luke couldn’t look him in the eye. Appearing seriously uncomfortable Luke made his excuses and left.

Enough was enough. The next day, Matt booked the sexual contact lie detector test.

Lisa was furious when he told her, but Matt stuck to his guns. He told Lisa that it was either she take the polygraph test or it was over. He suspected that she was having an affair and that she began that affair at the office Christmas party. If he was wrong he said he would apologise and make it up to her.

Lisa took the test a couple of days later. Matt met with the examiner before the polygraph examination. He was really pleased that the examiner had years of experience in administering sexual contact lie detector tests. He had a feeling that Lisa had been lying to him for some time.

Matt didn’t go to Athlone with Lisa when she took the test. Instead, he waited for the results to arrive a day or two later.

Results confirm Lisa started an affair at the office Christmas Party

It was difficult to see the outcome in black and white, but as Matt read through all the data in the polygraph report, he knew what he had to do.

When Matt confronted Lisa, she denied everything at first. But once he started laying the data from the polygraph report on the table, Lisa broke down. The lies had been going on for too long. It wasn’t just starting an affair at the office Christmas party with Liam that was so upsetting. Over time she’d had sexual contact with others at work too.

Matt found great strength in having finally got to the bottom of things and he told Lisa that he wanted a divorce. Lisa and Matt are now separated. Matt is in a new relationship with someone who gives him their full attention.

Find out more about a lie detector test and how it could help you by contacting our team online. Alternatively call us today on 0800 368 8277 and let us help you to transform your future. . We have a wide range of specialised polygraph tests, administered by experienced examiners, to resolve any situation

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.