Our client knew there was something wrong with her partner. Her friends and family said he might be cheating on her.  She contacted our Cork Lie Detector Test Service and was both surprised and relieved by the result.

Abigail’s story

Abigail couldn’t understand it. Liam had been moody for some time and no matter how hard she tried to balance the household books, he must be spending money they didn’t have. Liam worked hard and left the house every morning at the same time but he was getting home late and later. They’d been childhood sweethearts and she trusted him wholeheartedly but things just weren’t the same and hadn’t been for some time.

She’d spoken to friends and family and they’d implied he was having an affair but the trust in her relationship meant she couldn’t believe that. Her family had offered support, bailing her out when bills were due but she knew that something had to be done.

Finding the Cork Lie Detector Test Service

She’d resorted to searching online for reasons why people lie and how this affects their relationships. That’s where she found the Cork lie detector test service. She learned that these tests can help to save relationships by getting to the truth. Although apprehensive, she made the call.

The call had been easy, the friendly customer service advisor putting her mind at ease. Abigail didn’t want to hurt Liam or put him in a position she knew he’d hate. She asked him to take a polygraph test and they’d fought. But no matter how long the fights went on and how upset she got there was no light at the end of the tunnel. She’d rather he left than live with the Liam she’d come to know. He wasn’t a nice person to be with, snarling at her and staying out till all hours. They’d planned to have children but thankfully hadn’t had time for this due to the pressures of Liam’s job. The time had never seemed right.

Polygraph test day

Two things inspired Liam’s agreement to take the polygraph test. The first was that he realised Abigail was serious about ending their relationship. The second was that Abigail had arranged for the test to be conducted in their own home. When she approached him about it he was happy to take it. This was surprising to her and she’d suggested that he had agreed because she didn’t trust him anymore. To Liam this was an easy pass but what he hadn’t banked on was the question regarding his work. She’d asked the examiner to find out if Liam was having problems with his job. The question came as quite a surprise!


At the start of the test Liam had seemed confident but after the work question had been asked, he finally revealed that he’d lost his job. He was so in love with Abigail and knew she wanted to start a family. He’d been too ashamed to tell her, instead getting up for work every day and pretending to go. Liam would go to the pub and have a few drinks to get the courage he needed to tell her. But Abigail had always been on at him when he got home and the time never seemed right. Liam felt like a failure and he couldn’t have Abigail feeling the same way.

This test had revealed something Abigail could never have imagined but had given her the answers she so desperately needed. She was right to trust Liam’s fidelity and that felt good. Their relationship, despite the lies, had grown stronger. With a few new CV’s and ideas they’d get their life back on track. The Cork lie detector test service had been the right route to take. Their relationship could easily have failed all because of a bit of pride.

How strong is your relationship?

Is your relationship strong enough to survive potentially jumping to the wrong conclusions? If you’d like to discuss a polygraph test for any reason, please call our Cork lie detector test service free on 0800 945 209. Alternatively, you can make a reservation using our secure online booking system. Take charge of the situation today.

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