Louise was still so raw; some of her feeling was fight. She had put all these years into her marriage, how could she just let Ted go?  The lie detector test for addiction was a completely unexpected way forward, but she needed to try.

Here’s what happened……

Louise found out by accident – that was the worst part. Jim was ‘working late’ and her friend called her up last minute. On the way there she saw Jim and the woman.

It took two days for the reality of what she saw to sink in. She’d gone ballistic, ripped his favourite suit to shreds and smashed his blessed aftershave. It was probably the shock when Jim walked in on her in the middle of it all, that made him confess everything.

After twenty three years of marriage, she discovered that she was in fact married to a sex addict. That was her gift from marriage counselling – to learn that her lovely husband was a master of lying.

That was it! Trust built for decades crushed to pieces.

Finding a solution

That was the thing that she kept coming back to. So when she saw a video online about how a lie detector test for addiction could help sex addicts she looked into it.

Sure enough, the test could be used to do what she felt she could not anymore, see if Jim was telling the truth. She found out that she could use them whenever she wanted and create the questions herself.

It was perfect, and it felt so good to know that so many people were using these tests as a way to find out if their partners were still addicted to sex.

Jim agreed straight away. She had to admit he did seem completely changed by the last few months, a shadow of himself, but in a good way. He was far less cocky and a whole lot more thoughtful. But she still couldn’t trust him. He was an addict – how could she tell if he was lying?

So the deal was, he would go for an addiction polygraph examination whenever she felt he needed one. It might be in a year, two or maybe never again but she needed to know she had some way to check that he was keeping his addiction under control.

Booking and taking the lie detector test for addiction

So Louise booked the test and two days later, Jim was taking the polygraph test. With an experienced examiner armed with the questions she had written herself, she felt for the first time in a long time, in a place of calm.

Knowing that she would get the results sent directly to her, information that she could keep to herself, kept things nice and simple – exactly what she wanted.

To date, in the last two years, Louise has never felt that she needed to use the test again. However, in dealing with the uncertainty of addiction, it’s a relief to know that if she wants to book a polygraph test for Jim again, the option is there.

Can polygraph services help you?

If you are struggling to trust someone, find out how polygraph services can help you today.

From partner sex offender and false accusation tests to infidelity and lie detector tests for addiction, a range of polygraph tests are available to suit any situation.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.