Many things that are said in anger have elements of truth in them.  Something that an angry mother said years ago caused a curious son to ask our polygraph examiner in Galway for help.

QCan your polygraph examiner in Galway find out who my father is?

Some years ago I fell out with my mother.  I had just joined the Merchant Navy and came home on leave.  There is no doubt that I had changed from the clean cut boy that I was to a long haired, tattooed young man so it was a bit of a shock for my Mum.  I then went for a night out and have to confess to sleeping with one of my Mum’s neighbours whilst drunk.  Because I was out all night, when I got home my Mum was incandescent.  She shouted at me “You are just like you father”.

I thought about my father.  He had been in the Royal Navy, something I always aspired to but never achieved.  He became an electrician when he left the Navy and as far as I knew he never got drunk or womanised.  So I asked my Mum what she meant.  She carried on ranting but refused to explain her assertion that I was just like my father.

Over the years, I heard rumours from other family members that my Mum was pregnant with me when she married my father.  My parents decided that I would never be told who my real father was apparently.  Mum completely denies that my father is anyone other than the father that brought me up.  He died some years ago and although he told me that my Mum was pregnant when they got married, I was his child.

I can’t get a DNA test since my Dad was cremated but I’d like to know the truth.  If my Mum took a lie detector test, would it help?

J.C., Galway

Response from Polygraph Examiner in Galway

Simply put, yes a lie detector test would help.  Either the rumours are false and are the product of family gossip, or your Mother is guarding a closely held secret.

I can understand why you want the truth and as a polygraph examiner in Galway it won’t be the first time or the last that I have conducted a polygraph examination for this purpose.

However, I can tell you that it may be not be easy to get your Mother to submit to one.  What she said to you in anger may relate to how your father behaved before they were married.  Or she let her guard down and nearly let the secret out.

If you need help convincing your Mum to take a test call us on our Free Helpline – 85 176 3360. Anything you discuss with our customer service staff will be confidential. They will give you some tips on how to persuade your Mother. Mention that you are contacting them due to advice you have received from the polygraph examiner in Galway.

If you don’t believe that convincing your Mother will be a problem, you can go ahead and book a lie detector test using our secure booking facility on our website.

Good luck

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