James had nothing left. Or so he thought until he decided to take the sexual harassment lie polygraph test in Belfast. He did it for his family; for his wife. He thought he had no options left – until he found Lie Detector Test Ireland.

Unexpected allegation

Things had been great -.wife, kids, house, and job, all just as he had wanted. Then out of the blue, bang – destruction. Now here he was, without it all.

Sam, his manager, called him into his office before he had had time to sit down. It was 9 o’clock in the morning. James knew immediately that something was up – Sam never held meetings in the morning.

Five minutes later James was back out of the door, sent home whilst he was investigated for an allegation of sexual harassment, from four years ago. It was unreal – too much to take in.

Now, sitting in a hotel room, unable to be in his home with his wife and kids, it was definitely sinking in. Lucy had thrown him out – she couldn’t deal with it all.

All he could hope was that this polygraph test in Belfast would be the step that he needed to begin to dig his way out of this. James felt like he was stuck in a deep, black hole. Cut-off, ashamed, he had gone there – things had been dark.

But he couldn’t, and wouldn’t go on like this. Booking the test had helped. He felt like he was doing something, his first spark of hope.

It was for Lucy, his wife and his kids. It was something concrete to take to Lucy, something at least to show that he was telling the truth. He wanted his wife and kids back. Without them, he had nothing.

Booking the polygraph test in Belfast online

Fuelled with thoughts of them, he booked the polygraph test. He was nervous about making the call, but the whole operation was so professional and straightforward, it had really calmed him. He was glad that it was so easy to book online and meeting his experienced, specialist examiner before the test had really helped.

When James took the test he found the whole experience cathartic. It was the first time in two weeks that he had spoken about the situation. He felt very emotional after the lie detector test. He wasn’t one to express himself, so the experience of answering questions about himself was out of his comfort zone.

The polygraph test in Belfast was the beginning of a new way of communicating for James. He called his wife that night and told her that he had taken the test. It was an incredibly touching conversation for them both. James had never really opened up to Lucy before.

A positive outcome

Lucy was moved by both the fact that James had undergone the test for his family, as well as outpouring of his feelings.

When James went back to his home with his results the next day, Lucy and James made a pact to face the future together whatever it might bring. He allowed his results to be shared with his company too in order to help with their investigation.

If you have been accused of sexual harassment in the work place contact us online or call us today on: 0800 368 8277. You can take a polygraph test in Belfast or elsewhere in Ireland. We have a wide range of lie detector tests, administered by qualified examiners, to deal with any situation.

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