We have received a number of queries in recent weeks for our polygraph examiners in Ireland. A worried mother wonders whether a private lie detector test in Galway will identify her son’s girlfriend.  Here is what she wrote.

Identity problem

I’m writing due to some issues I’m having with my son, Dale.  When he was 14 he started spending time with a girl called Fran who isn’t from a very good family. To be honest they are one of the worst and deal drugs. They are always in and out of prison and when I found out he was seeing her I banned him.  I believe you can get one person that’s good in a family of nightmares but I’d found drugs in her jacket and didn’t want my son mixed up with it all. I was just trying to protect him. He has always been a good lad and I thought he’d taken my advice.

He’s a few weeks off 16 years old now and has been seeing a girl called Francis. I’ve never met her but they seem happy enough. He’s started going to pubs which he can get away with as he looks older than his years. He often doesn’t come home at night and now and I’m worried this is the same person as before. He has bad moods for no reason and I think he has fooled me into thinking this Francis isn’t the original Fran. I need to know if this is the same girl and if he’s taking drugs. Is he too young?

G. L., Galway

Response from our polygraph examiner in Galway

Teenagers are difficult at the best of times but when you ban them from seeing someone it can be a challenge for them to defy you.

We can conduct a private lie detector test in Galway or anywhere else for that matter on minors from 14 years onward if they have good cognitive function and they can fully understand what the polygraph is and the process and implications of having one. As examiners our purpose is to help prove innocence, not to interrogate the examinee. Hence a minor would not feel intimidated or under pressure.

With carefully worded questions we can find out if Francis is Fran of course.  However, it might be an idea for you to ask him to bring his girlfriend over for lunch or dinner.  Perhaps you have a birthday or other celebratory event coming up.  Throw a party and get Dale to invite his girlfriend.

As you say, you can’t tar everyone in a family with the same brush but if you believe he is being influenced to take drugs, you have every right to be concerned.

Call our Free Helpline on 85 176 3360 and our friendly customer service personnel will be happy to talk through the issues you have.

You will be able to book a test online should you wish to via our website.

Good luck.



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