This is part 2 of Caroline’s case study. You can read Part 1 by clicking here. Having fallen asleep at Amy’s house on a girls night in curry evening, Caroline was in trouble with her boyfriend, Robert. He’d threatened to lock her out of her own flat if she came home. He was possessive and jealous, constantly accusing her of sleeping around.  She had thought about taking a lie detector test in Sligo, near to their home, many times throughout their relationship.

Alcohol and bad judgement

Caroline probably then made one of the worst decisions of her life. She called her ex.  Steve had always been a shoulder to cry on and no matter what, he’d always been there. They’d been friends for a number of years prior to becoming lovers and even though she was now in a long-term relationship, that friendship hadn’t changed. Steve picked her up from Amy’s and made her a coffee. He put Caroline, still half drunk, to sleep on the sofa. Later she’d have to leave this friendship and the person that always picked her up when she was down. That was a scary thought.

Robert, of course, found out she had stayed at Steve’s. Why wouldn’t he? With Robert it was impossible to hide anything but Caroline had nothing to hide. Knowing what she knew now, the Sligo lie detector test was the best way forward after all the trouble and accusations that ensued over the following 7 years.

She’d made this ‘mistake’ within a year of her and Robert getting together but still after all this time the accusations continued. Nothing had happened that night but Robert didn’t believe her. She’d have friends round for dinner and be accused of sleeping with them if they were male. Maybe he thought she was sleeping with women too, who knows? She offered to take a polygraph test when words that came out of his mouth started to crush her.  Even when they were alone, with no baggage he’d still accuse her of sleeping around, of “whoring it around the village” as he put it. The lie detector test in Sligo was her only hope but why all the accusations?


Robert’s constant accusations worried her. She’d watched enough talk shows to know that normally the person doing all the accusing was the person who was doing the cheating. So instead of booking just one test, she booked two. Robert didn’t feel like he should have to take one but she insisted, what did he have to hide?

When she met the polygraph examiner she was a little worried. She’d cried on Steve’s shoulder. Would that be construed as sexual contact? Not being remotely interested in Steve, romantically or otherwise, at this point she went ahead with the questions asked and answered them honestly. She knew the truth and that is exactly what should come out on the test.

She watched Robert the night before he was due for his test. He was unusually quiet and seemed preoccupied by something. Caroline knew instinctively that the reason he constantly accused her of infidelity was because he’d done something wrong himself. Robert took the test, told her it was easy and that he’d answered everything honestly. He was confident she would fail and he would pass.

Lie detector test in Sligo – results

Caroline waited nervously for the results and when they came through, Robert was nowhere to be found. They’d said they’d open them together but where was he? Caroline waited and waited but after several hours, she couldn’t wait any longer. She text messaged Steve to let him know she was opening the results.

Her own test results showed she had never been unfaithful in any way. In many respects Robert’s results were what she expected. However, not only had Robert had sexual contact but he’d also slept with someone else.  At this point she was thankful he wasn’t around. She packed his clothes, placed them outside the front door and called his mother to let her know what he had done. She told her to come and get his things and to ensure he never contacted her again.

The lie detector test in Sligo not only proved her innocence but also her worst fears. No longer did she need to cry herself to sleep wondering why Robert would say such horrible and hurtful things.  She knew she was rid of a cheat and could move on with her life.

Polygraph services in Ireland

If your partner is constantly accusing you of things you haven’t done, there is a fair chance they may be hiding something from you. Whether you decide to take a lie detector test to prove your innocence are you are being pressured to do so, make sure your partner takes one too. Caroline arranged her tests in Sligo near to where she lived. Polygraph services are available throughout Northern Ireland and the Republic.  Call us today to find out how they can help with your specific situation.

For free consultations, call 85 176 3360 for Limerick, Cork, Galway, and Athlone or 87 350 9962 for Dublin and Drogheda.